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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Supermoon blue moon: When, where and how to catch the spectacular August 19 show

Supermoons typically occur about 3-4 times a year and this August, the selenophile in us is jumping with excitement as we gear up to watch a relatively rare astronomical event where a Supermoon and Blue Moon will coincide – a combination that happens only once every few decades. The traditional name given to the full moon that occurs in August is ‘Sturgeon Moon’ hence, this Supermoon blue moon is also being called a ‘Sturgeon Moon’ and we can’t keep calm as we await the spectacular celestial show since this will be the first of four consecutive supermoons this year (with the next ones scheduled for September 18, October 17 and November 15).
The rare supermoon blue moon or the ‘Sturgeon moon’ will make an appearance on August 19, 2024 and will reportedly gleam at approximately 30 percent brighter than your everyday moonlit night. Although it will rise at 2:26 pm EDT on August 19, it will continue to appear nearly full on nights closer to the date but its specific viewing time may vary as per the location and time zone you are in.
